Monday, April 29, 2013

Hydroponics beyond 2013

Welcome to our first blog! It is my intent to write my thoughts and observations and would love to hear your views  on sustainable & innovative farming practices, aquaponics and hydroponics.

Today's blog is based on an article I asked James, a good friend of mine to write for a website. James is an agricultural engineer and an expert in hydroponics. Besides been a successful farmer, James has also work in the agricultural sector both in industry and government, so he really knows his stuff. This write up is based on an article he recently wrote...

This blog is based on information and data from a wide range of sources, and in particular my own involvement with the industry, including green fodder production in different parts of the world, tempered and tropical.

The future production of vegetables, herbs, ornamentals and green fodder has been recognized for its environmental and commercial benefits. The possibilities are endless, especially when the costs involved in intensive farming practices (soil culture) are day to day increasing out of control. Current production methods face limited and costly resources of water, land, equipment, fuel and labor.


Hydroponics is the science of growing plants without soil and can be done in a commercial scale or as a Hobby. The produce is a high quality product that addresses all the needs of the consumer: nutritious food, free of harmful agrochemicals and environmentally friendly. Hydroponics s the only way to overcome global food and water shortages in any type of climate and landscape.

In the future, developing countries along with advanced nations will be able to feed their increasing population growth using hydroponics instead of the current intensive farming techniques, providing valuable food in areas of non-arable land and harsh climates.


* Total control of plant growth. With hydroponics, the grower has the freedom to regulate the composition and frequency of the nutrients solutions in the different stages of plant growth, obtaining the maximum crop yields.

* Plants can grow anywhere. The landscape and the climate is not a deterrent to grow a produce, addressing the needs of the consumer.

* Water and nutrients are conserved.

* Pest and disease are reduced.

* Yields can be maximised.

* Weed control is unnecessary and therefore non existent.

* Labour costs are reduced.

* The environment is adjusted to the plant.


Commercial hydroponics is successful and rapidly expanding it dominates the production of a number of crops, for example in Australia, a largely dry continent, it is the fastest growing industry sector in the Horticulture Industry.

Major benefits of hydroponics  include the conservation of water, environmental friendliness, reducing the pollution of land and streams by erosion and run off.

​The provision of income and employment by disadvantage population in economically depressed
regions. Hydroponic is a technical reality and the future of farming.​

Look forward to more blogs on this and other topics. If you enjoyed this article, you are welcome to read other articles at

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